Pet-G is very good functional material & its easier to work with than Abs.
It is the same food safe PET thats used in water bottles etc
It does not shrink or warp as easily as Abs does, & thus provides good dimensional accuracy for beginners who want to move up from PLA+.
It provides excellent finish, high tensile strength, & has a high temperature Glass Transition Temperature of 80 deg C.
It is highly recommended for those who want high temperature & high strength properties compared to PLA.
Esun PETg 1.75mm 1Kg NATURAL
All FDM 3d prints will be less translucent than the filament. This is because 3d printing changes the crystalline structure of the polymer as its laid down.
However, if you want a somewhat transparent PET then please look at our Taulman T-Glase PET-t.
It is much more translucent than the Natural PetG available in the market.
For recommended settings on how to 3D Print PETg & TGlase please read our FAQ here