Plastic Not coming out – Head Blocked

2019-10-01T17:34:18+12:00October 1st, 2019||

If you start a 3d Print & nothing is coming out, there are a few things you can check:

  1. Stop the 3d print. Ensure the temperature you had set it to was adequate for the material
  2. Heat the 3d printer to the temperature of the material
  3. Remove the existing plastic filament out of the 3d printer
  4. Check to see if it is obvious that the filament has broken & not […]
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FAQ – 3D Print not sticking to 3D Printer Bed

2018-11-08T01:04:36+12:00November 8th, 2018|

The Most common issue people experience when they first start 3d printing is that the plastic is not sticking to the printer base, so the object can not form.
While this may seem like a very serious problem, in most cases it just means you need to setup a few things correctly.

In the 3D Printing world, we use phrases like ‘First Layer Adhesion’ for this.

Lets talk about the basic steps needed […]

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