Genuine Creatbot Throat Tube which connects the hot block into the extruder mechanism.
This is the teflon tube lined version which makes it easy to print PLA, PETg etc thanks to the teflon liner.
But it will only operate up to 260C, please do not print hotter than that else you will damage the teflon liner.
The heat sink & the nozzle is attached at the bottom of this piece.
If you have replaced nozzles & still find there are extrusion issues, please consider changing this part.
This tube is considered part of the heat break mechanisk, & has a partial teflon coating on the top to aim smooth extrusion.
So it is recommend you change this tube as needed for the best uniformity in extrusion as well as reduction of jams or blockages particular in longer 3d prints.
Will suit all Creatbot D series 3D Printers we sell including F160, F160 PEEK, F430, F430 PEEK, D600 PRO (not the older D600)