Dental 3D Printing Course by Dr. Andrew Ip – Akl NZ – 11 Mar 2023

Dental 3D Printing Course by Dr. Andrew Ip – Akl NZ – 11 Mar 2023

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It is no secret that 3D printing is taking the world by storm as it forms a vital part of digital dentistry.
Digital modes of design and appliance fabrication are slowly taking over more traditional and analogue ways of practising dentistry.

If you want to keep afloat in the advancing world of digital dentistry, join this course to learn how to integrate additive 3D printing technologies into your practice safely, while saving you time and money.

We will go through software to prepare intraoral scans to be print-ready, and options to design occlusal splints, surgical guides and crowns.

2 day course

Date:  11-12th March 2023
Location: Auckland

Early Bird $2,000+gst (only untill 15th Feb 2023)
Standard Rate (after 15th Feb 2023) $2,500+gst

50% OFF Additional support staff with a paying attendant, bring along your team!

Explore the many benefits which simple digital design and 3D printing can bring to your practice and find out what 3D printers best suit your budget and practice.

There will be many 3D printers on the day available for you to use in-person and see what they can bring to your 3D printing journey.
We will also go through software to prepare intraoral scans to be print-ready, and options to design occlusal splints, surgical guides and crowns.

Dental professionals of all levels are welcome.

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This two-day hands on course is designed to help you become a leader in the advancing world of digital dentistry.  Discover the many benefits of simple digital design and 3D printing and learn how to integrate additive 3D printing technologies into your practice safely, saving you time and money.

Over two days, fully experience many hands on simulation exercises and practise validated techniques to design and fabricate occlusal splints, long-term provisional crowns and surgical guides. Experience how to design dental appliances and prepare them for printing and explore the physical workflow, from physical printing, washing and finally curing.

Numbers are strictly limited, providing you with optimal one-on-one training opportunities to develop digital dentistry for your practice.

dental 3d prints

Topics include

  • Discover how to incorporate 3D printing in dentistry into your practice
  • Examine various software and printer capabilities and find the best one for your practice
  • Understand how to set up an effective workflow from printing to curing
  • Explore the advantages/disadvantages of guided implant surgery
  • Experience case simulations and build your skills using 3D software
  • Identify common causes of print failures and learn strategies to manage them​

For the 3D Print Experience:

  • All attendees are required to bring a high-performance laptop and a mouse
  • Windows preferred
  • No Mac or iPads please – they will not work with the software
  • Required software will be provided prior to the course for you to download in advance
Dr. Andrew Ip Expert Digital Dentist

About the Presenter:

Dr. Andrew Ip
BDS (Adl), MRACDS (GDP), Grad Dip Ortho (JCU), MSc Implantology (IMC)

Nerd, Geek, Freak – terms that have been used to describe Dr. Andrew over the years.
What started out as an innocent hobby has made its way into a significant portion of his general daily dental work.

Dr Andrew Ip is a Sydney-based private general dentist who has presented on 3D printing in a dental practice on multiple occasions.
He achieved Membership in General Dental Practice with the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in 2017 and obtained a Graduate Diploma of Orthodontics at James Cook University in 2019 and a Masters of Science in Implantology and Dental Surgery in 2022.

He has a special interest in 3D printing which started off as a hobby but has now formed a major part of his clinical work. He is a Key Opinion Leader for several 3D printing-related companies/services. When he’s not designing surgical guides, planning in-house clear aligner treatment or designing a chairside 3d-printed crown, you can find him printing figurines and helmets for his cats (much to their disappointment).

Dr. Ip has been working at Marsfield Dental Care for several years. He provides a wide range of treatment, including complex crown and bridge, braces and implants.
Dr Ip completed his Membership in General Dental Practice in the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and is amongst the first in Australia to complete a Graduate Diploma in Orthodontics at James Cook University, the only course of its kind in an Australian university.

Dr Ip is a member of the Australian Dental Association and the Australasian Society of Osseointegration.

In his spare time he enjoys cycling, swimming, clinical photography, and of course 3D Printing.

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Choose your Package

1 Primary Attendant & 1 support person, 1 Attendant only