Best Quality Professional 3D Printing Resin for LCD & DLP Resin 3D Printers in NZ.
All our resins are low odour & dont smell bad or put out a strong stink.
Don’t risk your health, getting dizzy or nausea over a few dollars – Go for Quality & safety.
We have the Biggest range of Resin in New Zealand including Functional & Engineering Grade Resins printable on modern high speed mono-LCD 3d printers.
Our resins are also not brittle formulations. Parts won’t just crack off in your hands.
To Get the Best Possible 3D Prints from your Resin 3D Printer, you need the Best Quality of Resin.
For too long kiwis have paid too much for good quality 3d printer resin.
We have changed this & sell top quality 3d printing resin for the lowest prices ever seen in New Zealand!
These resins are designed to work on all popular LCD DLP 3d printers of 380-420nm mSLA range including Phrozen, Anycubic, Creality, Elegoo, Epax & even the new 14K 3D Printers!
We sell top quality UV curing 3d printing resins including Water Washable, Flexible, Tough, Impact Resistant, Stiff, ABS like, Castable Wax etc.
We focus on bringing the latest innovations to empower all New Zealanders.