Creatbot DX XY axi Stepper Motor

Creatbot DX XY axi Stepper Motor

$80.00 +gst

Out of stock

This motor is used in the Creatbot DX 3d printer.
It is used for X & Y axi. It moves the belts which move the axi rods on the bearings.
The same motor model is used for X or Y axi.
One motor is used for X & one is used for Y.

Please remember to check the stepper drivers also, as they tend to be faulty more often than the motor.

Out of stock

SKU: 11532 Category:


Please note this part can only be supplied to customers who have purchased a Creatbot 3d printer from us.
If we can’t verify your machine purchase, we will refund you & cancel the order.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg