Phrozen Aqua series Blue Resin 1 Litre
A versatile resin that offers fast 3d printing in bright colours at an affordable price point.
This is the perfect resin for general purpose protoyping, including for vacuum forming templates, etc
The biggest advantage is they support a high speed layer curing of as little as 1.2 seconds per layer when 3d printed on our new Sonic XL 4K SLA 3D Printer!
For too long kiwis have paid too much for 3d printer resin.
We want to change this & carry NZ’s biggest range of the best resins, all for the lowest prices ever seen in New Zealand!
These resins are designed to work on all popular LCD mSLA style 3d printers of 380-420nm range including Phrozen, Anycubic, Wanhao, Elegoo, Creality, Longer, etc.
1Kg bottle of Phrozen Aqua Blue Resin in stock right here in Auckland & ready to ship NZ wide.
Any questions please feel free to contact us.